Good morning, I am writing this morning full of questions about this horrible tragedy in the South. I want to know how this could happen in an American city, why something wasn't done before hand, when it will get better and where I can go to help. I know there are some evacuees coming to OKC - Matt and I hope to help in some way tomorrow. Today, we do what we've been doing - pray for a million people who have lost everything.
My questions are not meant to accuse - it's way too early for that. And, we should be too busy helping to snipe at one another. We'll be too busy for a long time to come but the questions are still there. There are questions of the past - why weren't more troops and aid prepositioned; the present - when are the people from the Superdome and Convention Center and the rooftops and the overpasses and the Astrodome and the hundreds of thousands of dazed victims across three states going to be treated like they live in America, again; the future - how can we get a million homeless, jobless, school-less, hopeless people homes, jobs, schools, hope.
Questions of classism, racism, age-ism... How could a 21st century American city revert to a third-world warzone in 3 days... 3 days...
The answers to most of these questions have to wait until everyone affected isn't just 'dealt with' but comforted, fed, clothed, housed and supported with dignity and respect. God expects nothing less and we, as Americans, as humans, part of the greatest nation on earth should expect nothing less of ourselves. We can't hide behind "Someone should do something!" - We Are Someone. Now. Today. Tomorrow.
My questions are not meant to accuse - it's way too early for that. And, we should be too busy helping to snipe at one another. We'll be too busy for a long time to come but the questions are still there. There are questions of the past - why weren't more troops and aid prepositioned; the present - when are the people from the Superdome and Convention Center and the rooftops and the overpasses and the Astrodome and the hundreds of thousands of dazed victims across three states going to be treated like they live in America, again; the future - how can we get a million homeless, jobless, school-less, hopeless people homes, jobs, schools, hope.
Questions of classism, racism, age-ism... How could a 21st century American city revert to a third-world warzone in 3 days... 3 days...
The answers to most of these questions have to wait until everyone affected isn't just 'dealt with' but comforted, fed, clothed, housed and supported with dignity and respect. God expects nothing less and we, as Americans, as humans, part of the greatest nation on earth should expect nothing less of ourselves. We can't hide behind "Someone should do something!" - We Are Someone. Now. Today. Tomorrow.
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