Friday, October 07, 2005

An interesting measurement...

Economic Left/Right: 3.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.31

These numbers represent a point from a graph on a site called Political Compass . I found it by following a series of links from some other blogs I visit. I took the test to see where I would score. I must make this observation: quite a few of the statements were written in such a way that, though I may somewhat agree with something, I could not say "never" or "always" and my response is to err on the the side of less intervention/less regulation/less control. If you decide to take the test, be sure to read the FAQ's - it helps one feel a bit better about one's answer choices. In fact, spend a bit of time looking through the site.

I would be very interested to see how others score themselves - feel free to post your scores on here on this blog - and your reaction to the scores you received... I find it quite interesting that none of the famous people they have plotted are even in the same quadrant as me. That either means I should never run for office or should should go out and file as a candidate tomorrow morning. Actually, after I took the test, I looked at the reading list for the Libertarian Right and was amused that they pegged the authors I tend to agree with. In our homeschool, I used Richard Maybury's books for a basic study of economics and I subscribe to a magazine which often quotes the words of Hayek and Von Mises. I would be particularly interested to find if there are others who read this blog that share the same approximate point as me. Regardless of the outcome, take a bit of time to consider the views of those you think are diametrically opposed to your way of thinking - we can all learn something new, now and then. The world has very few truly evil people - I believe, optimist that I am, we all basically want the same things; we just have widely differing views of how to get them.

A side note: Paulmond - "Kitchen Stories" is a wonderful film. Both my husband and I greatly enjoyed it; thank you for recommending. I have the other film on reserve with the library system and will let you know what we think of it after we watch it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Economic Left/Right: -0.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.36

Wow, I don't know if I did something wrong, but I'm right in the center of the chart! I considered each point and answered honestly. Huh...

Here's my chart.

I'm glad you like "Kitchen Stories".

The reason we couldn't remember the title of "Close to Eden" is because that title has nothing to do with anything in the film. The "real" title, Urga, is the name of a very long pole these rural farmers keep on hand for a special purpose.

Another film we've seen recently is "Amelie". It's very different from these others. I won't spoil anything, but we liked it.

In the Hollywood realm, you might check out and , if you haven't already seen them. Hollywood movies frequently annoy the heck out of me (I think I've been spoiled a little by PBS and BBC), but I liked these.

We plan to watch "Off the Map" this weekend. We'll pick it up on our way home from the Watonga Cheese Festival on Saturday. Yay for cheese!

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What?!?! Those links looked great and worked like a charm on the preview. How did they get all messed up? And why does it automatically decapitalize my name?

Click on the word "and" to see info about "Spanglish", then click on the rest of the whole post to see info about "About Schmidt".

Ah well...

9:32 AM  
Blogger OurayDreamer said...

Dead center - how funny is that?!? Hopefully some others will weigh in and we can compare - isn't that the American way? I tried to copy ,I chart to my post but it was weird. I was in the lower right quadrant.

We've seen Amelie (loved it) and About Schmidt (another good one) but not Spanglish, yet.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Economic Left/Right: -0.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.18

Here's my chart.

This is funny. As usual, my husband and I are essentially of the same mind. I'm slightly more left & libertarian. I do wonder, though how much the result is affected by the way the reader interprets the question. For example, there were a few questions where my answer would have been the opposite of what it was except for the word "always" in the question. Did that make sense? Still, I've always suspected I was in the center, and the survey was fun either way.

10:42 PM  
Blogger gr8fulg said...

Economic left/right: -2.38
Social Libertarian/Authoriatarian:3.13

I was sitting on Ghandi's dot. I do love peace, but I would rather ride horses than lay in front of them. The questions were sometimes odd, I'm not much of an always/never kind of person.
Interesting site, thanks for the heads up.
I love Amelie!!
and Spanglish-especially Chloris Leachman!

Thanks for the post, I know they are mostly ramblings, but sometimes, so am I...

11:11 AM  
Blogger gr8fulg said...

I meant -3.13

11:12 AM  
Blogger OurayDreamer said...

Because I am tired and not as computer savvy as my friends collectively known as Paulmond, I do not know how to provide a link to my husband's graph, but the numbers are:
Economic Left/Right: 4.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.59

This really is an interesting site! He and I are both right-leaning libertarians. And, of the people who have so far entered their results, no one is truely of an authoritarian bent.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the end of the test, there is a link to a "printable" version of your chart. Clicking that opens a new browser window showing your chart. You can then make a link to that printable version by copying-and-pasting what is in the address bar.

2:02 PM  
Blogger OurayDreamer said...

I tried that but the link only showed political compass... oh, well...

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I found this test and decided to spend the time taking it. Interesting results. Here are mine:
Economic Left/Right: 2.75
Social Liber./Authoritarian: 1.85

barb/lovely wife

6:03 PM  

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