Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another Discussion

I have been reading all the comments on my other post and decided to mention another topic. Today I read in USA Today that Retiree Benefits Grow into 'Monster'. Yesterday, I heard a discussion on the radio asking the listeners to list and rank the things which most concern them about the future.
So many things from which to choose: the bird flu, nukes in Iran, the NSA listening to our calls, a tsunami hitting the west coast, the NOAA prediction of another hurricane hitting New Orleans this year, drought, flooding, global warming, global cooling, global thermonuclear warfare...
Some of the things I listed are tongue-in-cheek but all are in or have been in the mainstream media of late.
Being the optimist I am - just ask anybody who knows me - I would like to have a list from you of what most concerns you and why you think (if you do) that we will be okay anyway.
Of course, feel free to continue your discussions elsewhere on this blog. John Galt, I know you will be unavailable for a time, but you are always welcome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(1-3, 1 being the greatest)

1. Public apathy, disinterest, ignorance to matters of governance, and two-party (1 party) tunnel-vision.
(requires commonly accepted lies to be uncovered, education, and an ideological revolution)

2. The Federal Reserve System which taxes our savings to pay for war, welfare, and indirectly, and described so complicated that we can't see the value being siphoned from our money. The FRS is used to fund everything that politicians cannot raise taxes for and is creating a debt that will destroy us in the future. The FRS sabotages our economy while a healthy market is capable of better dealing with all our enemies, whether terrorist or Chinese.(Federal Reserve should be abolished destroying the business cycle and the banking cartel.)

3. The War on Terrorism directed by leaders inadequate for the task with ambiguous personal intentions which our dividing our nation and destroying the morality of our cause. We are justified in our removal of states which sponsor terrorism but we are ill-equipped with leadership thus far to fight ideological war which has set us against our past-allies, and against ourselves. We may either meet our enemies and destroy them before they become the scourge that history would otherwise write, or we will become hated abroad, defeated in our own cities, fragile security paid in lost freedom.
(are there no Julius Caesars or Alexanders of freedom? Where are men of greatness with moral cause?)

3:58 AM  

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