Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The "Looters" are ramping it up!

For those of you unfamiliar with Ayn Rand's philosophy, let me give you a brief overview. The world is filled with three kinds of people - producers, looters and moochers. Producers are those of us who work (in home or out of the home), pay our own way and mostly ask to be left alone (by the government). The moochers are the ones who do not work but expect to be taken care of at no cost to themselves. The looters - the wretched Robin-Hoods, steal from the hard-working producers (any forced sale or gift is theft!), give to the moochers (give is much too wimpy a word to use in this context!) and take a healthy percentage for themselves to continue their "good work." I know this is a simplified version, but it is important for my good readers to have a basic understanding of this when i share my next bit of 'news.'

I read the news today, oh boy, about a dangerous attorney general in the great state of Mississippi who has free-fallen into the moocher camp. He (she - no name was given) has determined in all of his wisdom to file lawsuits against the insurance companies to require them to pay for the flood damage of the homes in his state who did not buy flood insurance before Katrina and hit. His partner in crime is the Mississippi insurance commissioner who is trying to get legislation passed which would allow people to purchase flood insurance retroactively - a bit like purchasing health insurance to pay for a surgery you already had or purchasing life insurance port-mortem.

And, to make sure we all subsidize the housing choices of those along the coasts, the insurance commissioners of New York, Louisana, Mississippi, and California, to name a few, are proposing a mandatory - let me repeat - mandatory national catastrophe insurance. This way those who do not choose to live in hurricane-prone or earthquake-prone areas can all pay into a fund to rebuild the homes damaged in those areas again and again. Kinda makes you all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? I know I want to have my hard-earned cash snatched from my hands and funnelled into the ocean-view home in some other state.


Blogger gr8fulg said...

Wow, the stupidity never ends. When did personal responsibility become something we only read about in History Books!

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more! Good thing the nanny state is fulfilling the expectations of those unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions. The only relief that should occur should come from PRIVATE charity organizations, PRIVATE VOLUNTARY donation and any that should come as a result of LEGITIMATE insurance claims made by those with the foresight to have made themselves eligible PRIOR to the hurricane. The more responsibility we surrender to the government, be it local, state or federal, the less freedom we, as individuals, have to make choices of our own responsibility. The only winners in this situation are the federal and state agencies who sop up the taxpayers' gravy and somehow still continue to fail at tasks they were never intended to undertake, and could never be expected by rational, responsible people familiar with our Constitution to complete. Give me responsibility over every action I take, and I'll gladly accept the consequences. Just don't ask me to pay for the mistakes of others.

I like your blog! Interesting stuff here. Keep it up!

6:52 PM  

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